Thursday, May 19, 2016

Further thoughts on Nintendo Making Movies... (or why we don't need more anime/animated/CG Video game movies)

Well this deadline came out of nowhere, Yesterday I posted an opinion piece on Nintendo making Movies (YAY!!!!!), but I missed the point where they said they they wanted to go the Pixar Route and make animated movies (ummmmm.... Yay?), In my defense, I really suck at reading, Can't read chapter books that well, skim over long news articles, and get over whelmed by large amounts of words, heck, I can't read through my back catalog of blogs as much as the whole world can't... but let's talk further thoughts on Nintendo making movies, and it is indeed BS More animated Video Game movies are coming...

Before we begin, I'm still excited nintendo's making movies, if a little less so, but They're more than capable of making live action movies without them SUCKING, it's just they don't want to. They had one bad experience, but after that S**tty Hulk Movie from Universal, Marvel makes a soft reboot of the movie, which didn't do as well as they hoped, he's part of the Avengers now, and now there's rumors of a new Hulk Movie coming out. That's how marvel thinks, but Nintendo thinks after one failure they should stop. Why? IIRC Eiji Aonuma expressed interest in a Zelda movie a few years back, but now that it's a possibility, we're getting... an extended cutscene... More on that in a bit... I understand that games like Kirby and Animal crossing won't work in live action, but You auctioned the rights to a live action Pokemon movie A MONTH AGO, Don't give me the crap you're not capable. Heck Allie-RX said you're capable of an HD F-Zero Game, but You're stubborn enough to not do it. By the time you do, It'll be a kiddy/casual spinoff for 3DS. F**K!!!!!! I love Nintendo, I wish them the best in that endeavour, but They can be an idiot sometimes, just like another smart but arrogant and sometimes stupid web celeb (3 guesses on who I'm talking about)...

Now onto why the world doesn't need more animated video games, The world needs more good live action flicks based off games, but beyond that, some animated movies are seen as kids stuff, schlock, and usually look like cutscenes from video games already. we don't need games like Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Final Fantasy, Castlevania, and I guess Mega Man as CG movies. Sometimes it works better than Live action, but no terribly often. However if you want to know how to make a good video game movie, read my last blog to see how well game movies can work, read my last blogs, I guess we can't all be winners... This is why we can't have nice things...

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