Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kinnikuman Retrospective: 7 Akuma Chojin Arc: Part 1

56k Beware and Spoilers Ahead

1981 was a time for transition for Kinnikuman, The action became more violent, Kinnikuman won 3 tournaments, the characters became more surreal and fantastical. and when the just as innovative Ring ni Kakero was drawing to a close, Kinnikuman got crazier, and nowhere was this more present than with introduction of gods and demons to the series...

Read this if you haven't already...

The arc begins with a celebration parade of Kinnikuman's 2 time victory of the chojin olympics... Harabote Muscle exposits about the 7 most deadly chojin in the universe, The DEVIL CHOJIN!!!!!! They're much more deadly than any Zangyaku Chojin on earth, and are locked up in a space prison, Spoiler these villains aren't the strongest in the series, we're only a 3rd of the way into the series.Kinnikuman is lifted into space and releases the devil chojin out of their prison.... These cloaked demons head to earth as Kinnikuman and his fellow chojin are having a fun day. The devil chojin arrive and Warsman punches a hole through one of their heads...

Turns out he has had a hole in his head naturally....

 A buffalo devil chojin uses his hurricane mixer, and he gets sent down into the mat. the other 5 chojin reveal them selves as a fishman chojin, a spring chojin, a butt chojin, a american flag masked chojin, and a..... uhhhhhhh. a buff Power Ranger chojin, the very next page we get the ladder 3 replaced by a Kamen Rider look alike, a spider head, and a balloon head. They offer to challenge Kinnikuman, and now time for Chojin submissions...

See if you can find these chojins hidden throughout the story

Everyone has their requests to challenge Kinnikuman.Warsman fights the devil chojin but gets owned by a walkman chojin It knocks him out with a sound based attack... Kinnikuman gives Buffaloman his belt, but Mayumi doesn't like it. Buffaloman throws meat in the air and breaks him into 7 pieces... All of which are given to a member of his team... Kinnikuman has to beat the devil chojin in 10 days or Meat will die. It is only then that he rises up to the occasion.and may I say that I like how the 7 devil chojin are gradually revealed. It gives you the incentive to tune into Shonen jump every week to find out who they are. Kinnikuman is sent to fight Stecasse King by his own choice, the walkman chojin plays a song that makes Kinnikuman dance. The fight'll take place below tokyo tower. Kinnikuman is nervous, and Stecasse King his cleaning insides. He puts on his backpack and when he gets out his killer attack Kinnikuman avoids it, he tries to use his devil's symphony again and misses landing on a kid instead. Kinnikuman uses a horizontal chop on the enemy. Kinnikuman then puts him in a boston crab hold. Stecasse King opens his bag and uses his chojin Daizenshu to gain the upper hand. He then gets back up and uses the warsman tape, Which allows him to copy his mannerisms and attacks... Case in point he copies his heavy breathing and Palo Special. Stecasse then changes tapes to Ramenman, and uses his flying leg lariat. He changes tapes again to use Robin Mask's Tower Bridge. He has over a thousand Chojin's techniques in his tapes. Kinnikuman uses a kick on SteCasse, but SteCasse uses His devil's symphony and Knocks out Kinnikuman. he Then increases the sound....

How many of you love this panel, we don't usually see heavy use of detail and shadows until later in an arc.

We then learn that he's using the radio tower to his advantage. but the radio program he's using is over.... Yeahhhhhh Make of that what you will.... Kinnikuman uses a back drop. He then uses a Kinnikuman tape, but it's from when he was younger, so it's ineffective, Kinnikuman uses his Kinniku Buster and ends him, Kinnikuman gets Meats torso back. Unfortunately, he's super injured, and has to wait in the hospital for 10 days. Buffaloman schedules the next match. Black Hole lights a fire and throws Meat's hand into it, but is saved by... Kinnikuman? Yep he's back, or is he? Kinnikuman blocks Black Hole's Punch, He gets beaten by the 6 remaining Devil Chojin an dis revealed to be an imposter... Yep it's Terryman.. Kinnikuman saves terryman, but is all bandaged up, and the second fight has begun... Terryman is sent to the hospital, Kinnikuman cures his injuries, and Black Hole sends his solar house. This can make it warm no matter what and make it especially hot when the sun's out... Suguru uses his Kinniku Punch, and it goes through his head. Black Hole beats up Kinnikuman, and he escapes then uses a kick. which goes through the chojin as he makes a hole in his chest. Black Hole goes into the mat as a shadow thanks to his solar house. He then appears behind Kinnikuman and uses his german suplex. He then Pins Kinnikuman. He then continues his attack, He Escapes and Kinnikuman tries to go after him but he's in a totally different dimension. Kinnikuman acts like an idiot and goes after a shadow. A shadow of a rope appears and turns into a snake binding Kinnikuman. Black Hole appears with a cobra twist, and Kinnikuman escapes it. He creates copies of himself (much like how Tien used it on Goku in Dragon Ball) and pins Kinnikuman. Suguru Jumps and Blocks the sun causing the Black Holes to disappear. He Then uses a Flying Body Scissors Drop. Black Hole uses his head hole to make an alternate dimension to use on Kinnikuman. He sucks up Kinnikuman to Outer Space...

Why did you think he was not Black Hole?

He sucks up Kinnikuman and sends him into 4 dimensional space. He has 20 seconds to escape (which may be unlikely) or he loses the match. an opening in the sky appears... He has to create a white hole or he's dead. He pulls down his speedo and farts. opening the gap between dimensions further. The hole in the sky is opened, and Kinnikuman returns to the match. One wonders why there's a crack in the sky when it's not even matter, but for plot convenience that's what you get... Kinnikuman uses his Nikudan elbow drop, and knocks out Black Hole. He wins and gains Meat's right arm. Kinnikuman is beat to hell and has only 5 days left. That night Mr. Khamen uses the stars to reveal his plan. 5 Stars representing the 5 devil chojin appear around a Kinnikuman star Kinnikuman appears healthy but the real Kinnikuman is in the hospital, The Kinnikuman dummy is being beaten up until Terryman appears. And he's not the only one who appears...

Cue Justice League theme...

We'll see what happens with this Justice League of Idol Chojins and Injustice League of Devil Chojins next time...

To Be Continued in part 2...

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