So Microsoft get's a 2.25 out of 4.
Now onto...
HOT DIGGETY DAMN, SONY WON E3 THIS YEAR!!!! That is if Nintendo can't be the underdog champion. What made this presser so Great, 1) PS4 Games (Destiny, Watch Dogs, Elder Scrolls Online, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts III, and a Ton Of Indies). 2) PS4 Everything good about the XBOX One and less of the bad, Hell, it wiped he floor with them. 3) PS4 is $100 less than XBOX One. 4) PSN and Gaikai Features. 5) Did I mention Kingdom Hearts III? There were a few nitpicks (Not terribly great design, broken stream at times, kind of unfunny skit, not enough Vita games (Get the burial site ready Sony)), But the only (paranoid) worry I have is that FFXV and KH3 might take a long time to release so I (Jokingly) said see you in a few years.
So Sony get's a 3.75 out 4.
Next, onto the last of the Big 3...
ERMAHGERD!!!!! NINTENDO MIGHT SURVIVE!!!!!! The last of the big 3 has a lot of good compared to Microsoft. Here's the good Points 1-10) The Games; Smash Bros, X, Mario 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Pokemon X & Y, Mario Kart 8, Bayonetta 2, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, Wonderful 101, Sonic Lost World. 11) Did I Mention Smash Bros, WITH MEGAMAN? You'd think this would be the best, but it has major flaws 1) Don't care for casual games, in which there were three, 2) no major surprises as far as third party games, 3) It did have better downloadable titles, but not much surprising, 4) (More of a nitpick) No Starfox, F-Zero, or Metroid, console Pokemon RPG (like XD or Colosseum).
Overall I give it a 3.25 out of 4.
Let's talk about some games I liked there, Pokemon X & Y look better than expected, but I pray that these features that Nintendo shown don't go to waste to make a sub par game. Elder Scrolls online looks interesting, but I'm not a big fan of MMOs, Titanfall looks promising, Killer Instinct had Promise, Keyword: HAD, but It's a free to play game that requires an XBOX Live gold membership to play and every character's DLC. Seriously, Just sell Rare back to Nintendo, MICROSHAFT!!!!! Sunset Overdrive looks interesting, but It's on XBOX ONE!!!!! Project Spark Holds Promise, but It's probably limited by it's expectations, Like Spore. Nintendo had an all star lineup, of Mario (which I want all those games), Zelda (I Want to play Wind Waker again), Pokemon (as Mentioned), and some newbies like Wonderful 101, X, And Bayonetta 2. The biggest two surprises have to be Kingdom Hearts III (which I'd buy a PS4 Just for), and Mega Man in my most anticipated upcoming game Super Smash Bros. Destiny looks Interesting, but It's done by the same guys who did Halo, so I'm worried it's just going to be another FPS Game. Watch Dogs Looks like a good Sci-Fi game, And finally The Indies, If only Micro$oft treated them better like the old days, then the console will have more of a promising launch.
Well That's it for today so until next time...
Yoshiette 2: MY SISTER'S HOME!!!!!!
Yoshiette 1: I changed my Hair to Hatsune Miku's hair, so date me!!!!
YE2: No, date me.
Anonymous Yoshi: YOSHIETTE 1, WHAT DID YOU DO?!
YE1: I configured her programming to be just as obsessive as me using my smartphone, so you can have a harem of two intern girls and an angry pet.
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