Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My quick thoughts on Luke Cage...

It's more if the same...

Luke Cage is pretty much the same as Jessica Jones or Daredevil, but here we get more of a look at black discrimination, much in the same way Jessica Jones dealt with Sexism. Luke Cage is a series that has carl lucas get super powers, and he gets convicted of a crime he did not commit. He's on the road to recovering his life and his name is now Luke Cage. It's pretty much the same as Jessica Jones, only aimed mainly at black people rather than females. Luke Cage is the same as Jessica Jones, Misty Knight is the same as "JJ" Luke Cage and, Cottonmouth is the same as Kilgrave. The action is okay but there's not that much of it, and there's music numbers by african american bands and artists. Overall it's Jessica Jones, again! Only watch if you're a completionist This gets the same score than JJ Because of it's action but it's copy and paste, I give this 2.5 Biggie Posters out of 4.

Let's hope that Iron Fist turns out better...

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