Sunday, February 14, 2016

Gaming Bits Quickie: HuniePop, spicin' it up here...


Up until very recently (kind of), Dating sims haven't sold well in the United States, let alone in the West. You can debate why they don't for freaking days, but really, it comes down to western gamers not liking feminine, anime like, and colorful games, and in return eastern gamers don't like green and brown, machismo filled, military worshiping games (AKA FPS Games), let's face it like FPS Games, Dating sims have a tendency not to be good. if you're wondering why I went on a talk about Dating Sims, it's basically this, Let's face it HuniePop is a more interesting game to look at than actually play. What's the story behind this game? What made it popular in the let's play community? What's this game about? Find out today...

The project started out as the kickstarter darling of Ryan Koons and his team, The actual Kickstarter did alright, gathering Nearly $54,000 with almost 1,500 backers. You could tell that the group of people who donated, while kind of small, were really dedicated to getting the game released when you do the math, it 1 person donated around $36 if they all donated equally. It was interesting on the premise that it was a western puzzle/dating sim/RPG, with an anime feel to it. But what actually came of the game? Well...

One night you end up drunk in a bar, and the next morning you wake up with Kyu, who her human form was with you at the bar. Basically you can date 12 girls with 3 of them being unlockable. You ask them questions, which could get pretty lewd, They ask you questions, you get them gifts, and he more they like what you give them, the more they like you, kind of like any other dating sim. You could also date more than one girl at a time without the rest of them knowing or caring. The puzzle section is where one of the main draws of the game are. It's like Bejeweled or Candy Crush, but depending on the girl, some matches are better than others. After you get in bed with the girl you get a pretty sexy image which you can look up if you're curious, some versions censored out this part of the game. It's kind of a shame you can look up the sexy parts of this game because the rest of this game isn't as interesting. The dating sim parts aren't really that great since it doesn't change after you beat the game (if you want to call it that), and The 3 match part you can get anywhere else with Bejeweled and Candy Crush. But me and many others praised the art, and the naughty parts. Some even praised it for being a realistic interpretation of dating.

It is big in the Youtube Gamer scene since (I'm totally guessing on this, but...) It's just one of those WTF kind of games, and there's also the ability to put sexy thumbnails for the videos, because if YouTube is known for one thing other than illegally uploaded full movies and episodes of TV Shows, it's supposedly sexy videos with provocative thumbnails, so YAY FOR BOOBIES!!!!! Too bad can't join the fun, their reasoning is that they don't want perverted streams on their site, but they can't stop all the Doxing, Swatting, and DDoSing? BULLS**T!!!!!!!!!!

There's plans for another game in the series, called HunieCam Studio, which is in development, It got greenlit by Steam (who sells the censored version of the game). It has a more cartoony art style than the original, but what's the game about? It's a cam show (Look it up) business simulator. Several of the girls from the original make a return, but 13 new ones will be in the game.

So yeah that was HuniePop, it wasn't as dense of a game series as say Banjo, Conker, or Custom Robo, but if you want dense, just wait until the next Gaming Bits. Also, I hope you learned something, and since you can't do one of these without doing so my favorite HuniePop Girls are Tiffany and Nikki...


OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo BOY!!!!!!

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